it was SO nice being home. the power of family is so amazing and just what i needed. (jason too!) we got back to GR on tuesday night after a LONG drive in the dark. on wednesday i woke up early to have breakfast at big boy with my crazy mom and grandma. i was just glad i didn't tell them i would walk with them! :) later i met mom at the mall and we shopped for a winter coat...but instead we held a mini "what not to wear" in the dressing room at yonkers. stacey and clinton would be so proud! we got a lot of things for christmas. and i can't have any of them until christmas. andrea fixed my hair for me at the salon and then later that night she put extensions in my hair. i call it my insta-sexy. i just love it...even though my head is constantly itchy, it will be sad when i take them out.
on thrusday (thanksgiving) jason and i were able to spend some precious time at my parents for a huge spread of thanksgiving brunch. it was delicious and it was good to spend time with everyone.

(the best looking 94 year old i know!)
(we all painted our names on tiles for grandma to put around a mirror)
after bruch we headed up to newago for a turkey dinner at grandpa and grandma shrontz's house. between bruch and lunch i was stuffed and all i wanted to do was sleep...all that yummy food! emily kept coming over and giving me things while i was sleeping. she is so cute she's walking everywhere, with her little but wagging everystep and she likes to say new words. thank you grandpa and grandma for a great lunch and a great nap time at your house.
(she loves her grandpa)
jason, debby and denny
i love this man
(look at those blue wonder she's spoiled)
friday night jason and i, steve, amber and the baby, and jacob and linda went to logans for a great steak! i sat next to emily and she made faces at me all through dinner and played with her water and straw. oh and she said sticky!
friday night jason and i, steve, amber and the baby, and jacob and linda went to logans for a great steak! i sat next to emily and she made faces at me all through dinner and played with her water and straw. oh and she said sticky!

(there's a little turkey in their oven!)
coming to a theature near you in june!)
after she went to bed susie and linda came over and all 4 of us sat around the table and knitted. i mean really...what else is there to do on a friday night but knit?! keep at it girls!
on saturday denny and debby decided that we all needed some good food to take home so we went to alikat kitchens to make some good meals to take back to the UP and put in the freezer. thanks mom and dad s!

on saturday night i went with mom to k-mart in search of martha stewart. i swear she was supposed to be there with fresh new ideas and that perfect little something...i don't know what happened but we couldn't find her. we did find a really cute basket for my knitting and a couple of 2 liters of pop....just no martha.
on sunday i finally got to eat good chinese food at mom and dad's. we also took some pictures for our christmas card...there's a sampling'll have to wait for the good ones! thanks for my chinese fix mom and dad! thanks terbeek children for being patient!

(oh wait...i don't want to know)
saturday afternoon we packed up all of our stuff (i looked like we were home for a month) denny and debby finished putting up their HUGE christmas tree and debby made us a turkey pot pie (which by the way was delicious)
we had a great time at home we're so glad we got to see everyone and hopefully next time we'll be able to see more of all of you. it was a long weekend that went way too fast. we'll be home the day after christmas. i can't wait. we'll bring some snow with us!