I am not able to post pictures for some reason.
But I need to update on the amazing night we had tonight.
I know that yesterday I said that it was a bad day, but really it was...and I'm a girl...I'm moody...and I accept that!!! :)
Today was beautiful in Paris. We went to two different museums that had paintings by artists that I had been waiting to see.
We also went to the biggest church in Paris which is up on a hill over looking the city (and very close the the red light district of Paris)
We walked to the Moulin Rouge, but it looked nothing like the movie....nothing ever is!
At 8 we went to a restaurant where we payed a flat rate and were given a ton of food and all the wine we could drink (for me not very much)
After dinner we were stuffed and tired, but we decided to walk along the river where people were gathered in groups everywhere.
They were drinking wine, eating, making out, having drum circles...etc.
Then we walked to the very front of the Notre Dam where there were flame throwers, amazing really.
And since us girls were all dressed up, we received quite a bit of attention.
All in all this was the night I finally fell in love with Paris and the spirit and energy of the city.
During the day running around from place to place it's easy to lose sight of the fact that we are IN PARIS!!!! Tonight we were able to just soak everything in, and get a real feel of the city.