You know you haven't blogged in a while when:
Your father in law hasn't seen a new blog post in a week and wonders what happened to me!
Sorry about the lack of posts.
I have been working like crazy, which is good.
We need the money, it gets me out of the house, and I'm getting a little more muscle and a little less fat from lifting all of those heavy bags for the little ole ladies!
Jason has been working like mad too, but he has been finding time to run with his mentor, ride his bike to work(when it's not raining), and fish, in or out of his kayak any chance he gets.
It has finally started to get warm around here.
Usually the UP is about 2 weeks behind as far as spring goes, but this spring/summer, we are almost a full month behind.
People are just getting gardens started, just planting flowers and the trees are just now getting over blooming and finally getting leaves.
I know i have said it before, but living in the UP is always an adventure...AND...just like anywhere in MI, you can NEVER trust the weather man!
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Make sure to hug a dad tomorrow.
Below are pictures of my beautiful niece.
I can't take credit for the first one.
I stole it from
Katie Lee.I love it so much, she has so much spunk!
Gotta love 2 1/2 year olds.