Wednesday, March 30, 2011

new pictures!

Here are some new pictures of the little Bea!


When I was home in March, we took a five (5) generation picture.

My Grandpa, Great Gram (almost 98), Bea, Me, and my Mom.

I love this picture. I love that she is Bea's great, great Gram.

Bea loves her dad!

She takes in the world with those big blue eyes.

She can't roll over yet, but she LOVES to stand.

Euchre wanted to be a part of the group.

She has officially found her thumb. She has woken me up many a morning with her super loud sucking.

She is one cool cat. Literally. It was freezing after we turned the corner, but I just wanted to show her the lake really quick and then we high tailed it back to the house where it was warm.

The beginnings of a musical genius?  I think so.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bread making with Aunt Rachel

While I was home in Grand Rapids Aunt Rachel gave a bread making class at her house.

I took pictures while the others learned this invaluable skill.

Thanks for teaching us Aunt Rachel.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

super cute savings jar

Since I was feeling crafty yesterday, I went ahead and made something else.

I got a large olive jar from work and decided to turn it into our savings jar.

Below is the final product, but I took pictures of the steps I took along the way.


I printed out what I wanted the words to day in the font I wanted and then cut out the letters with an exacto knife.

I now have a stencil.

the jar.

a spare scrap of burlap i had lying around.

I taped down the stencil, and sponged paint onto the burlap.

I wasn't sure how I was going to attach the burlap to the glass...and then I remembered....the GLUE GUN!

I almost forgot that I had it. It worked great!

Then what to do with the pesky seam? Cute polka dotted ribbon of course! Attached with the glue gun again.

Just like that we have a new super cute savings jar.

Friday, March 11, 2011

my daughter has a big booty

We have been using cloth diapers for the past two months or so which we love (blog post about this later), but this makes our lovely daughter's butt very large. Which in turn makes finding pants that fit very hard to find. I think I have found a solution though, two actually.

1. Buy very large carpri pants. That way they fit her legs and her enlarged bottom.

2. LEG WARMERS!  My sister let me borrow a pair and they were at little tight, so I wanted to buy some different ones. Apparently either leg warmers are way outdated baby gear this year...or they were such a hit that no stores anywhere carry them anymore. So I did what I do best, and that is find someone else that has done it before me and make it better. I found a tutorial here. I used little girls knee high socks and sewed them accordingly. They are so awesome and Bea looks so cute in them.



"momma, stop taking pictures of me!"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring Break in GR

Hi there!  There are a ton of pictures this time, so I did it a little different, If you click on a picture, it will take you to a new window where you can click through the pictures. It's not ideal, but that way I don't spend hours uploading 54 pictures.

Beatrice and I made the trip downstate and she did great in the car. She slept almost the whole way both there and back.

We had a great time and she got to see and get held by A TON of her relatives.

I was with her all week and I think she looks bigger. Jason hated being away from us, but he was able to get a ton of writing done on his novel.

Thanks for all the cuddles!


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