Where did the time go little girl? Tomorrow you will be 7 months already, and I can't believe it.
I love you. Bea-do.
We went camping last night! It was great, and Bea did awesome. She'll make a great outdoors woman!
We want to eventually go on a real hiking/camping trip, but last night was a trial run.
We went a mile down the road to our city campground Tourist Park. It's a great campground and not at all what you think of when you hear "city campground."
Taking a nap in the tent.
Snuggles with Dad.
She LOVES swinging!
She is too cute.
"I'm over it Dad."
She can't quite sit up yet, so a blanket on the ground will have to do.
Hi pretty girl.
"Mama, why am I naked? It's cold out."
Jason slept in his hammock/bat net last night. It's SUPER comfy.
I love the look on her face in this picture. She just puts up with me.
We are enjoying our summer up here, and getting ready for our BIG move.
I've already started purging, packing, and pricing items for our massive yard sale.
Bea has been doing great! She is usually smiling, laughing, or giving us her serious look. (something like the picture below)
She's doing great at rolling over, even though I'm still surprised when she does. She's not quite sitting up, but is getting better at it, and still no teeth!
We took a hike yesterday along the Dead river and I couldn't believe all of the different kinds of wild flowers.
This is Bea's new dress that I finished last night. I love it so much I think I'm going to have to make about a bazillion more!
Have a happy Monday!
When you were born you were so little. fragile.sleepy. and you looked like this:
Too Big. Beautiful. Serious. Joyful.
You had your first cereal today and I cried the whole time. You just seemed so old.
I'm not ready for you to grow up, even though you change every single day.
You are 18 lbs and 26 in. long.
Thank you for bringing me joy every single day.
You are beautiful in every single way, and I'm so excited to see you little person you are becoming.
She's been falling asleep with her blanket over her face. Thank goodness there are holes in it.