I guess I should have known how the day was going to go, by this picture.
A word of advice to anyone who has a child under the age of two and is eight months pregnant.
That said, I'm so glad we did because this place is better than we remembered when we saw it the first time, and know that this is going to be such a great home for us.
It's just exhausting being as pregnant as I am, and trying to put things away, all the while making sure Bea doesn't get into things she shouldn't and having to be OKAY with the mess she is making that is allowing me to get what I need to get done.
It ended on a much better note. Jason hung a bird feeder because we actually have trees and I got to sit and snuggle with Bea before she went to bed.
I need to finish the laundry...yup I have LAUNDRY, but I wanted to post some pictures of the new place and most of them have Bea in them, because, really, who doesn't want to see more of Bea?
Oh and I promise to take a picture of my ENORMOUS belly and post a picture of it soon!
She always wants the best view!
We actually have room, plenty of room for a table in our kitchen. No more eating on the couch!
Looking a the kitchen from the living room.
Ah, my amazing, studious, hard working husband in the living room.
Our bedroom, it has 3 nooks so the biggest one is for us.
This will be the Jason nook.
And eventually this will be the baby nook!
Moving is hard work mom. Are we done yet?
Oh and someone got new boots. I'm sure she would wear them to bed if I let her.
Despite our rough day, I am so glad we are here. The owners who share the house with us are really nice and they have a daughter a little older than Bea. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time with them over the summer. I also have to mention our AMAZING friends who came and took time that none of them had to spare and moved us, chased our child around, took our dog over night, unpacked boxes, and then stayed for a little while afterward. We are truly blessed to have the people around us that we do. You are all redeeming this state that I am beginning not to hate so much.