just got back from rice lake, canada, yesterday. i went with some of the guys in stacey's family on a fishing trip. we had a a really good time, though all of the ridiculous stories of people comin' home with 1500 blue gills, none under 10 inches proved to be, well, ridiculous stories. we still held our own. first morning out, tim - stacey's sister's boyfriend - caught a 20.5 inch largemouth bass and i caught a 18 inch largemouth. both monsters, though we forgot the camera and were told that bass sea

son didn't start till next week. we threw 'em back and when we went in for the camera, we found out that bass season was actually open. however, back in the boat i caught this 16 inch small mouth and tim caught this nineteen inch walleye . though, i'm pretty sure that nothing was caught that came close to this monster perch i caught trolling. i was lucky he didn't swallow my entire lure. actually i was a little surprised he was even able to get a lip around one of the hoo
ks. we had to take a picture. but yeah, the trip was great. ended up with probably 150 or so panfish fillets and a few walleye. lots of laughs and a f

ew stories. the scenery was beautiful. once we got onto the water, it felt remote and quiet as we rolled around the sun and caught its glow at the end of the day. im convinced that the best way to see the sun that way is from a small fishing boat on a lake, almost perfectly quiet, except the sounds of waves hittting the side of the boat and a few blue gill splashing around in your cooler. tim and i did manage to get the reputation of being the last ones back for lunch in the afternoon and the last ones back at night, well after dark. but its easy to lose track of time out there. well, i'm going golfing, now. stacey and i both played hookie from work so we could get in nine and some fireworks. good night.
"...there's more where thatcame from!"
I am glad I found your blog - I am also glad that you are fishing