Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ode to my mom and dad

Tonight I called Jason while I was at Target...well he knew why I was there. I needed to get streamers and balloons to decorate for his birthday tomorrow. I do it every year just like my mom and dad did for all of us when we were little. We would wake up the morning of our birthday's and the living room would be decorated just for us. We knew it was our special day. I moved out of my parents house a long time ago, but everywhere I have lived since then, I have decorated for the people in my life and in turn they have kept the tradition as roomates move in and out and boyfriends become husbands. Thank you to my parents for the traditions you have instilled in all of us and in turn we bless and pass them on for other people to enjoy.


  1. OK, I read this at 6:21 in the morning and was all teary eyed! You are a funny girl Stacey Renee. See you soon. love mom tb

  2. Stacey , you are quite a girl. Thank-you for the special words that made my day . Love Dad TB

  3. I loved that you passed on the tradition to the farm house...we still do it even though you are gone now! It just makes the person feel special on their birthday...
