Thursday, January 11, 2007

date hike update (week 2)

From now on you will be getting the weekly update about our hikes. We are going to try and go every week on either thursdays or fridays. This week we drove about 10 miles from our apartment, parked our car, then hiked 4 miles there and 4 miles back. That is a total of 8 miles! We started on a trail that went next to Little Garlic River, up and down, through the woods, and then back up and then back down. We were in the woods for 4 hours and only saw two people, 3 very big dear, a couple chickadees, and some fat squirls. it was so peaceful and jason and i really get a chance to talk in a way that doesn't happen when we are at home in our daily routines, and we are able to work on our doughy physiques!!! -stacey
the river had a thin layer of ice over almost the entire surface, except for small traces in the middle where the water lapped over the ice and made the sort of flowing crick noises that some people record and put on cds to help busy people relax. the falls at the end were a bit lackluster to our expectations, but beautiful nonetheless. the series of 3 to 4 foot falls were completely frozen over but the water flowing underneath casted mysterious shadows through the thin ice that reminded me of standing in govan, saskatchewan very late the night before i was to record my drums for the blue star album, watching the northern lights. the water underneath the ice, like the northern lights, seemed to have no rhythm, but shifted silently and finitely, ready to transition once again, announcing spring.-jason

yes this is my bottom, it was a little slippery and this is me sliding down the hill


enjoying our coffee that jason made with his new java jet boil before we head back 4 miles

wow, look at that hair! :) That blue mark is called a blaze. Almost all hiking trails are marked with blazes on trees or stones, so you are able to find your way (a very good thing)


this is little garlic falls, like we said not that impressive, but beautiful

hikers leave these stones piled for other hikers, we are not sure of the meaning, but mostly as a hello for fellow hikers
ice stalagtites or stalagmites, not sure which one it is

water running underneath the ice chunks

jason's new jet can boil 3 cups of water in about 5 minutes AND doubles as a coffee press

jason setting up the jet boil


  1. Dear Stacey & Jason , It is great you both are hiking together, and getting in shape. Great Pictures !Love Dad TB

  2. Yeah for skinniness! (I don't think that is a word....) I am so proud of you! I agree, I love to turn the tv off and just talk to Jacob about everything. I try telling him these times will be fewer later on, but I think he just gets to ADD. I love when you put pics up, they are great...
    -the end

  3. Jason, I read your piece, and felt like it was the beginning of a wonderful book, keep writing! luv gram.. Hi Stac..

  4. how wonderful to be able to spend time with your honey and at the same time hiking in the woods. i am jealous. It has been too cold here to do that lately. I am ready for warm weather although i cannot complain it was in the 50s for most of this week.

    Love you guys

  5. Hey guys - I loved your hiking pictures and commentary. I felt like I was there when reading about your experience. Dad and I are cranking out the miles on the treadmill and lifting weights so we can be in good shape for our family hike this summer up in Marquette! Keep up the great work! And,'re the best blogger I've ever met...:)
    hugs, mom s

  6. Great pictures Stacey, and Jason,what a good comentary! Isn't hiking the best. I'm glad the Jetboil works, can't wait to get one also.

  7. Love that you're hiking. I want to come visit and go for a hike. Looks gorgeous!
