It was just like when I was a little kid except that instead of my mom, it was jason leaning over me right before my alarm clock was going to go off and saying "honey, you're never gonna believe it, but they cancelled classes today." So I did the only sane and rational thing, and that was to roll over shut off my alarm clocks (i have two) and sleep until my heart's desire!
You wouldn't believe it here. It hasn't even snowed that much, but last night it was raining and sleeting and then the roads froze. Today we had 35 mph winds and snow blowing right along with it. And now it is white out conditions, and doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon! (is 2 snow days in a row too much to ask, wish, hope for?)
With hazardous weather comes the few crazy people that decide that they need to drive around in it. Me, being one of them. I had planned on filling out a few more applications today and dropping off tests that I had taken for the City of Marquette (to be considered for a job there) So I got in my car and bravely took off (spare tire and all)
I made it to the gas station and proceeded to freeze my hands off.
I had to wait for my hands to unthaw in order to pay.
I made it down the VERY steep hill downtown and didn't slide through the intersection.
I got to the city building and skipped through the snow drifts to the door, and was told that I would be given extra credit for coming out in a blizzard (oh don't i wish that were true)I made it to family video, rented 4 movies and then decided against going anywhere other than to my safe and warm apartment.
Now I am in my nice cozy apartment listening to the wind blow and waiting for the pizza man. (he is going to get a BIG tip!)Side note: If you ever feel inclined to drive in white out conditions, PLEASE do everyone including yourself a big favor and TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS! And don't ride a bicycle in weather like this (I saw the tire marks.)
Seriously it's a different world up here in more ways than you can imagine.
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