No, this is not my bicycle, I only wish it was that cool! :) I borrowed the picture from
The reason for the picture of the bike is that all summer I have been resisting exercise, mostly because of the sweating...I know I'm weird, but I HATE to sweat. I hate everything about it. Smelling sweaty, feeling sweaty, thinking other people can smell my sweat, etc. Just plain GROSS.
That being said, I believe that fall has officially blown into Marquette. It has been so nice and cool here. Finally I have been having the urge to get out and get moving. A huge feat for me and just in time. There are very few weeks left before Andrea's wedding.
I took a walk after class, biked to my second class, and
jason and I biked downtown to the
Vierling to celebrate our friend Jen's 26
th birthday. It was a great time, we even wrote 2 lined poems that turned out hilarious. Normally, not being an English nerd I loathe doing
Englishy things like that, but I played nicely and they turned out great. (yes, I know
englishy is not a word!) The best part is that it made the birthday girl happy, and that is all that matters.
For those of you that were wondering, school is going very good, I still feel like it's going slow, but, for the classes I am taking it makes sense. Everything needs to build on each other instead of just getting a bunch of info all at once. I am taking Color Photography, The History of Western Art and
Architecture, Physical Structures and Concepts, and Website Design. Finally I am enjoying school.
Here's to fall, cooler breezes, falling leaves, new starts, and mostly NO SWEATING!