Saturday, August 9, 2008

who can blame me???

We are all moved in and for the most part settled.

After numerous demands for pictures, I thought that I would share some of things that make me smile.

Two new deck chairs!

My window sill in the kitchen.
All of my flowers lined up, makes me smile every time.

I've always wanted one of these.

My clear uncluttered view from the kitchen.

Multicolored organic eggs from the co-op.

My organized pantry.

Have a great weekend! I'm off to work.


  1. Huh? In English, your new place looks cozy and you! Congratulations! luv gram

  2. ahhhh, its very lovely and space must feel so nice.
    Keep smiling over plants and new deck chairs.
    love mom

  3. Stac its cute as a button!! I love it

  4. make my heart sing. I love what makes you happy. Momma Shrontz

  5. Sta & Ja what a place.. Just looking at the photos I can feel your "comforts of home".. Have fun and enjoy..

  6. stacy lynn I have an area rug that will look fab in your living room. I told your boyfriend but if he forgets come look at it it is on the pool table in the basement just fold it up and take it. it is brand new....needs to be cleaned tho. its like 8x10. love auntie pammy

  7. O.K. Stacey... I love your new place.. Do you have a Target up there? I want to send a gift card for some new home things... Let me know

    Lucy Lu

  8. Yea I did it :) But really What store do you have up there

    Lucy Lu
