Like I said, last Saturday my parents came to visit.
In honor of their trip to the UP wilderness, they both bought KEENS.
And...they wore them with socks. Ohmygoodness.
They only did it to bug me.
Such creepy parents.
I love them.
In honor of their trip to the UP wilderness, they both bought KEENS.
And...they wore them with socks. Ohmygoodness.
They only did it to bug me.
Such creepy parents.
I love them.
On Thursday night Jason went down to Thompson to see his parents, who were staying at his Uncle's.
I wasn't able to go on Thursday, so after work on Saturday I drove down there.
It's always a good time.
Their property is very secluded and right on Lake MI.
I got there at 10pm and we probably didn't eat until at least 11:30.
Eating there is always an event and it is always done very, very late.
We had thick juicy steaks, crab legs steamed to perfection, garlic potatoes, blue cheese bread, greek salad, and plenty of wine.
In the morning I woke up before everyone else, and took my coffee and my book down to the lake and sat there until by butt was numb and then decided to take a kayak ride.
Later, steak for breakfast, and then to the beach for hours.
It was a great time.
Thank you for sharing Gene and Kim.

We decided that we needed to break in the new apartment, and Monday seemed like the perfect day.
We went to an early movie, and then Jason and Ajani jumped off black rocks, and afterward everyone trickled in.
We played music, grilled, made margaritas, and enjoyed each others company on our very crowded deck.
I couldn't have been happier.

The video below was meant to be a picture, but it was on the wrong setting.
A little back ground information first:
My mom LOVES the fall, and she LOVES when school starts.
Even though we are all grown up, my mom still wants to buy us school supplies, but mostly she loves to buy us glue.
While we were in Wal-mart shopping while my parents were here, we found the mecca of glue, a whole end cap full of it, and my mom couldn't help herself.
Here she is the glue queen.
what a total crack up stacey renee. . . I wondered when and where that socks/keens pic would show up and I totally forgot about the glue! and yes, we only did it to bug you . . .well we say that but actually, we wore them with socks the rest of the week, out of the sight of our children :) Happy gluing. (I think I need to hang out with Debbie more often, glue is good but lobster, steak and wine. . .she is having way more fun).