Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hello out there....

I'm sorry but I'm ADD sometimes. I have started a blog post a couple of different times and it just isn't coming out right, so I delete whatever I have written and attempt to start again.

Lately I haven't been able to voice all of the thoughts in my head, because they are not clear, and there are a lot of them.

So I am apologising for the lack of posts, but I think that as soon as school is done for the semester (next week) I will be able to get a grip on my brain.

I am taking a break from feeling guilty about not posting.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.

I'll write soon.

p.s. In the mean time check out my friend Lindsey's blog and website. She has a really simple request that I think anyone can help her out with if they are willing.

1 comment:

  1. Aww... thanks stac!! And let me tell you.... finding postcards is harder than I thought. They are no where to be found in grandville (at least the places I checked). My next stop is the amways gift shop. I think I'll be able to find one there. :) BUt spending a little time driving around looking for a postcard is so totally worth it. I Know these little kids will love it!!
