I thought that I would post some pictures before I went to bed.
They were taken in the couple of days that we went home to Grand Rapids for part of our spring break.
Miss E did not stay still for very long, so I didn't get many pictures of her.
Little Ava doesn't see any bigger to me, but I believe that she is cuter!
We took Maggs with us, and he did great in the car.
At Debby and Denny's he settled right down after checking everything out, and he really liked being able to play in the back yard.
Funny story about Maggs:
Debby took him for a walk and when they got back she didn't close the door all the way.
She went out in the garage to get something and out shot Maggs.
She chased him all over the neighborhood, through the woods, and he just kept running...
that is until he heard the school bus.
He came tearing out of the woods and as the bus driver opened the door to let the kids out, he jumped in.
He ran up and down the aisle for a while before the bus driver caught him by the collar.
It was actually a good thing he jumped on there, otherwise she never would have caught him.
They were taken in the couple of days that we went home to Grand Rapids for part of our spring break.
Miss E did not stay still for very long, so I didn't get many pictures of her.
Little Ava doesn't see any bigger to me, but I believe that she is cuter!
We took Maggs with us, and he did great in the car.
At Debby and Denny's he settled right down after checking everything out, and he really liked being able to play in the back yard.
Funny story about Maggs:
Debby took him for a walk and when they got back she didn't close the door all the way.
She went out in the garage to get something and out shot Maggs.
She chased him all over the neighborhood, through the woods, and he just kept running...
that is until he heard the school bus.
He came tearing out of the woods and as the bus driver opened the door to let the kids out, he jumped in.
He ran up and down the aisle for a while before the bus driver caught him by the collar.
It was actually a good thing he jumped on there, otherwise she never would have caught him.

My new dishes I got at Target.
Jason washed them and when I got home from work, they were sitting there so pretty, I had to take a picture.
that is a good stone presentation. Very nice. I'm also a fan of those new dishes. Such a good color. Happy eating.