Wednesday, May 19, 2010

yard sales, red benches, and tutus...oh my!

just a few pictures from the UP!

my friend lisa and and i had a yard sale last weekend and between the two of us we made almost $400.

you would not believe the people we met.

there was one woman who talked to herself, and then proceeded to do a fake broadcast from our yard.

too weird.

our base of operations. sunshine and rocking chairs are a must for yard sales.

the new garden!

jason dug up a 6x14 spot for a few vegetable plants.

it's finally getting warm enough to plant things!

and my new RED and FREE bench.

i love the English department at Northern, they take such good care of jason and i.

one of the professors is moving to a smaller place and she had this bench in her back yard.

i totally love it and she said i could just have it for free!


priced shoes all ready to go for the farmers market.

i love my new logo!

40 pictures ready to go!

they look so great in their cellophane envelopes, i could sell anything in those.

more tutus!

and MORE! i just love these.


  1. Hey babe,

    The new layout looks great. I'm excited for your farmer's market endeavor.

    Love you,

  2. wow, i love everything from the red bench (very cute) to the shoes & tutus. You are going to be very successful.

  3. Whoa, Stac, what a variety of goodies and how cute! The red bench looks just like you, and the
    shoes and tutus, well, just another extension of the talents of Stacey Rene'e!
