Well little miss Beatrice is 8 days old already! It's hard to believe that a little over a week ago this little beauty was still growing in my belly.
I don't want to ever put her down, and Jason and I just spend hours of our day just staring at her in amazement.
She is truly beautiful and perfect.
I wasn't planning on this being a blog about her birth, but I have had a request that our story be told.
So this post will be a long one, but one with lots of pictures at the end!
First of all, little miss Bea was breech for about the last 2 months of her life in my womb. This posed a myriad of concerns. She was a little bit sideways and because of that I could feel her head poking out of the side of me. This made about every position uncomfortable and sleeping was pretty much unheard of the last few weeks. Because she was breech I was referred to the OBGYNs in Marquette. They told me we could try to turn her in a procedure called an external (cephalic) version, where they would manually try to manipulate her into a head down position, or we could schedule a c-section. I was so uncomfortable that I just wanted to get her out so I just told them to schedule the c-section. When I got home that day I did not feel at peace about our decision. Jason and I decided that we would try to turn her. Because I was almost 38 weeks they wanted to do it right away....like the next morning.
That night I couldn't sit, stand, lie down, or walk without feeling miserable. I decided to take a sleeping pill and I woke up two hours later to go to the bathroom where my water decided to break. I was so happy! I knew that one way or the other we would be having a baby that day. I calmly walked into Jason's office and asked him if he wanted to go have a baby. He just looked at me. We finished packing our bags and called the hospital and got going. Being that it was 2am it took about 2 minutes to get there (gotta love small towns). I checked in and they did an ultrasound and sure enough, she was still breech. This meant that I was going to have a c-section.
If you would have asked me at the beginning of my pregnancy about how I felt about having a c-section, I'm pretty sure my answer would be that it was the worst possible scenario. On that day though, I was so happy. I was going to have my baby and I didn't have to wait another two weeks! It helped that Jason and I had known for weeks that the likelihood of having a c-section was very high, and that we were educated about what would happen.
I was the first section of the day, and I couldn't be happier about how everything went. The staff was amazing (my surgeon held my hand while they put in the spinal) and there was a specified person to stay with Jason and make sure he was okay, and she also took all of the pictures in the operating room.
My little girl was stuck, VERY stuck. It took them awhile to get her out because her feet were up by her ears and her hands were above her head. The general concencus was that she would not have turned if we had been able to try the external version, and that made me even more thankful that I didn't have to try it.
They held her up and Jason got to tell me that she was a girl. She was bloody and covered in white goo, and I fell madly deeply in love immediately and I haven't looked back since.
After they cleaned her up a little they put her on my chest and she just stared at me. After a few minutes they took her and Jason and went back to my room while I went to recovery.
Jason was so happy because he was able to bond with her skin to skin, and because he got to do it before I did.
We had a very quiet hospital stay, and by Friday I was ready to get out of there. I just wanted to be home with my stuff and my bed.
We had a rough first night, but since then she has slept for 3-5 hours between nursing, and I am getting the most sleep I have gotten in months.
We are madly deeply in love with our daughter and don't know how we lived the rest of our lives so far without her.
My family took the motor home up on Thursday, and spent the weekend taking care of us and blessing us by just being here.
Grandpa TerBeek getting to hold her for the first time.
We had to unwrap her to see how little she was.
Cuddling with mom at the hospital
Her cousin Sophie just loved her.
Saying goodbye to cousin!Auntie Jen came to visit on Sunday.
Instead of a Lions jersey we decided to support Detroit, just in another way!
Bea and Dad have been doing a lot of this the last few days.
Even mom needs to nap once in a while too!My beautiful girl. My life will never be the same ever again and I couldn't be happier that you are the reason for this. I love you so much, and the love I have for you makes my heart hurt.
Really? Are you trying to kill me . . . .(sniff & sigh)
ReplyDeleteShe is beautiful and she is blessed to have you as her parents.
Oh, Stacey! She's BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations! Think of all the fun girly things you will do together... how exciting! Enjoy every moment!
ReplyDeleteJason and Stacey - so Happy for you!!! She is baeutiful. Great pictures, Wonderful story, fabulous family :) ly all I know you will enjoy every minute.
ReplyDeleteStacy and Jason she is just gorgeous. And these photos...are gorgeous. cannot wait to meet her.ox
ReplyDeleteI love this post. Thanks for sharing and she's darling. You look so happy Stacey!
ReplyDeleteOkay, sweetest story ever....thanks for making me tear up! I just love it when people become parents for the first time and are able to experience all the emotions and feelings that come with that. It takes me back to each of my babies birthdays and makes me all the more thankful! She's simply amazing....and so are you & Jason! Thanks for sharing...LOVE YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteYEP...def. had the waterworks going this morning...she is truly beautiful Jason and Stacey...(trying to control myself as i'm in the school offices ;)) Love you!
ReplyDeleteBTW Stac - you TOTALLY look like your mother when you're sleeping! =) Gotta love the wide open mouth! (Love you Aunt Renee!)
ReplyDeleteCourse....maybe you were just in a really really deep sleep cuzz...oh...I don't know...maybe you just had a baby and you're more tired then you ever thought possible?!? =)
KIM, that is so funny and yes, so darn true . . .(sorry Stac)