When you wake up in the morning babbling and talking to your self, I forget the laundry still sitting unfolded.
When you kick and splash like a crazy lady in the bath tub, I forget the screaming fit you just had.
After you laugh and smile at everything I do, I forget that it's been days since I've been to the gym.
When you sit and snuggle with me, I forget that I should have eaten an hour ago.
That smile you give me when you see me, the one you give when you wake up from your nap, makes me forget that I needed a nap too.
When you grab my fingers and won't let go, I forget about that shower I've been trying to take and the sewing I've been trying to get to.
And when I put my hand on your chest at night before I go to bed, to make sure you're still breathing, I forget what life was life without you.

Watching the first tigers game of the season with dad.
Throwing darts with dad.

Loving her new jumper!
Get a load of those cheeks.
Baby girl. I love you so much it makes my heart hurt.
I am so thankful for you.