Sunday, April 3, 2011

4 months

When you wake up in the morning babbling and talking to your self, I forget the laundry still sitting unfolded.

When you kick and splash like a crazy lady in the bath tub, I forget the screaming fit you just had.

After you laugh and smile at everything I do, I forget that it's been days since I've been to the gym.

When you sit and snuggle with me, I forget that I should have eaten an hour ago.

That smile you give me when you see me, the one you give when you wake up from your nap, makes me forget that I needed a nap too.

When you grab my fingers and won't let go, I forget about that shower I've been trying to take and the sewing I've been trying to get to.

And when I put my hand on your chest at night before I go to bed, to make sure you're still breathing, I forget what life was life without you.

Watching the first tigers game of the season with dad.

Throwing darts with dad.

Loving her new jumper!

Get a load of those cheeks.


Baby girl. I love you so much it makes my heart hurt.

I am so thankful for you.


  1. LOVE IT!!! LOVE THE PICS!!! LOVE YOU!!! She's amazing Stacey...those cheeks remind me so much of my baby girl when she was that age! Thanks for sharing...xoxo

  2. Stac, you need to print this and put it in Bea's baby book, someday she will cherish her mom's words!

  3. Those cheeks make her kind of look like Emily when she was a baby!
