Friday, September 2, 2011

good days and bad days

Yesterday was a good day. I tried to find the post office, failed...oh well. I did find a children's consignment store that I will have to check out.

I also found a great spot. I'm not sure if I'll ever get over the fishy, rotting sea vegetation smells. Maybe it's not always like this.

I liked it so much that I had to bring Jason back for a swim with Bea at sunset.

Today I fell apart. Bea wouldn't nap, I had bad hair, I felt fat, and all of the things that I haven't had the time to think about kinda just hit me. I took two naps and after the second one, I woke up in a much better mood. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll try again.

Point Judith Light house.

I just took off Bea's clothes because the were getting all wet and she just wanted to play.

All day long today I kept thinking, "man, it's like there is sand in your poop."  Oh yeah there really was. I couldn't keep her hands out of her mouth.

It's an invasion. Pretty cool sight to see a bunch of go carts with parachutes on them coming at you.

This one was o close.

Jason and Bea.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are great! Thanks for the blogging! When does the fishy smell go away? I pray you can find the post office! :)

    I am enjoying my bike! Thanks again!
