As I was looking through my 'October' file tonight, I realized how much we've done in one month. Here's the short recap in pictures.
Detroit Tigers made it to the World Series and then got swept by the Giants, disappointing the biggest Detroit Tigers fans EVER. (and the cutest)
No, these two do not share a bed, but they do like to hang out in there together. I love how they love each other so much. Hopefully they will be this close and love each other for the rest of their lives.
We've been to the park. A lot. Hopefully the weather holds off and we can keep going for the next month or so.
Oh yeah, and my amazing husband ran and finished his very first marathon. I am so proud of him and can't wait to someday run one with him.
His dad and brother flew in to surprise him. It was awesome!
Bea FINALLY likes to cuddle, and we are loving every moment of it.
Harper can ROLL! Both ways. Crazy boy.
Bea likes bounce houses now.
Hurricane Sandy made a visit to Rhode Island. Thankfully we were very safe where we were and feel very fortunate that we escaped any damage or prolonged power outages. (Thank you Jesus)
Halloween! Elmo, the owl and his tree.
Waiting with dad to pass out candy.
I can't wait to see what November has in store for us...oh yeah that's right, a visit from both sets of parents and someone is turning 2! Whoooeeee!
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