Monday, October 23, 2006

tigers update

game 1: cardinals 7 tigers 2
game 2: tigers 3 cardinals 1


  1. Go Tigers!hope they take it in 4 love Gramps S.

  2. Hey Stac,

    I was just reading through your blog.
    I read about you guys trying to go to
    His House. I don't know if you know this, but that is the campus ministry where Mark & I met (at WMU). I don't know if the one at Northern is different, but they usually don't hold Sunday morning services. They usually encourage everyone to attend a local church. Although, it could be different for Northern. Let me know if you go. I would love to know who the campus minister is. We probably know him. I know you posted this awhile ago so you probably already have it figured out. But I thought I would let you know just in case. Mark and I both lived in the girls and guys house for His House at Western. It was great. Good luck!

    Love, Jen Vander Veen

  3. How is the weather up there? I had my first appointment on Monday. I brought my mom to hold my hand while they did my blood work! I am such a baby! They blew out my vein and I still have the hugest bruise!
    Dan Johnson quit Carpet one! His last day is Monday and Jackie Haverdink just had her 5th kid! A girl named Josephine. They call her Josie. I guess she almost died, but I don't know all the details.
    The website below is some of the pics of my sister's wedding! I hope you have a good laugh! The last couple pages are the best! Yeah.....

    I think that is all for now, we get to hear the babies heart beat Nov. 28! YEAH! I hope everything is going well for you!

    Much Love!
