Sunday, October 29, 2006


This update is for my mother. The tigers did lose the world series.
game 3 was: cardinals 5 tigers 0
game 4 was: cardinals 5 tigers 4
Game 5 was the deal breaker. The tigers had an awesome season and we still love them. Next year!
Other than that, Jason and I are doing good. My mom sent jason and i glow in the dark pumpkin pez dispensers. I am still knitting. 1st sememster will be over in about 9 weeks. (WHOO HOO!) I am so excited to have a little time off from school. Hopefully when I schedule my classes for next semester i won't have to go every day. So....anyway, not much else to tell. I hope everyone has a spooky halloween! Don't eat too much candy.

1 comment:

  1. Well, its about time! I was sooo in the dark about those Tigers. Thankyouverymuch. and Stacey Renee, do you have to tell people that I bought you pez despensers, they might think that a tad weird. . . . I swear I didn't know they were glow in the dark.
    Have a good week you two. love mom tb
