Thursday, January 26, 2012

our ONLY snowy day

We literally have gotten one genuine snowy day since "winter" began.  Its so strange, and yet, I can't say that I'm that too terribly disappointed....okay maybe a little bit. At least I don't have to worry about falling. When I was pregnant for Bea, I slipped once, and it scared the out of me. This time carrying a toddler around too...well, the snow can stay away!

The video is of Jason pulling Bea on her sled, and somewhere in there she barks, it cracks me up.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

my little "helper"

Bea LOVES the fridge. LOVES. I'm pretty sure she would live in there if I would let her.

Tonight before I put the groceries away I needed to wipe down the shelves and she "helped" me.

She helped take out all the food, and then stood on it and wiped it down.

I love this girl. I just wish we didn't have to make a mess to clean the other one up.

Ah, I guess this is what living with a bona-fide toddler.

Monday, January 9, 2012

new things

Hello! Happy New Year!

After a long (almost a month) visit home we are settling back in here in the Ocean State.

I've been cooking, organizing, and sewing!

Here are a few pictures from the past week.

My precious child, asleep during the 16 hour car ride home.

Stretching her legs in the front seat.

This was the day after we got home. She was a ball of energy. She never stopped moving. I think she was just glad to be home.

Tonight we drove over to Jamestown to watch the sunset.

Someone is walking.

I made Jason his very own iPad case. Not bad for a first try.

This was a HORRIBLE disney character chair from Toys 'R Us that I recovered. So much better and Bea LOVES it!

Oh and these. I think my butt is bigger already. Thanks a lot Pioneer Woman.