Saturday, December 29, 2007

Back in the UP

After a very busy, but wonderful week I am back in Marquette. I feel more mellow already.
Jason and I were supposed to drive back home on Friday some time during the day, then Friday night, and then with whole lota parental persuasion our departure time was moved to 6am on Saturday morning.
I hate to admit it, but Jason's parents and my parents were right, it was very good that we waited.
The roads were so horrible before we got to the bridge. As my tires were slipping, and crazy SUV drivers are passing me as I'm going 50 mph in the only drivable lane...I was thankful that just this one time I could admit that my parents were right. (just this once though...don't get used to it!)

It was so nice to be home and see everyone that makes coming home for Christmas so special.

Here are a few of the things that I did while I was at home.

Celebrated Jason's 28th birthday. (you are so old!)
Celebrated Aunt Pam's 50th birthday. (it was a surprise!!!!)
Celebrated Jason, Grandpa Troost, and Aunt Kim's birthdays (there are a lot of December birthdays)
Went to church with my parents. (it was sooooo good...full orchestra, full choir, you catch my drift)
Took Shrontz family pictures (Debby and Denny's Christmas present from us kids)
Had my hair cut and colored by my most wonderful sister.(I look way better. Thank you.)
Ate dinner at Logans. (with Jacob, Linda, Steve, Amber, Emily) (for Jason's birthday)
Ate dinner at Blue Ginger. (with Grandpa and Grandma Troost, and my Mom and Dad)
Ate lunch at Panera. (with my Mom and Dad)
Had a beer at Fridays. (with the fabulous miss Megan Sue)
Ate dinner at Applebees. (with Debby, Denny, Steve, Amber, Emily, Jacob, Linda, Laney and Josh)
Saw the movie 27 Dresses (so cute, totally a chick flick)
Saw the movie Charlie Wilson's War (wait for it to come out on video...oh and don't see it with your dad and father in law)
Went shopping at Rivertown mall (the day after Christmas, what was I thinking?)
Went shopping in Holland (for awesome Vera Bradley)
Said goodbye to a cousin (safe travels Tashina, Carlos and Andres, I'll come visit as soon as I can)
Found out that I have a lot in common with another cousin (answer your phone Katie Polly)
Held a ton of babies! (I was just letting the baby fairy dust rub off on me!)
Played with my niece (so darn cute, I can hardly stand it)
Watched the 7th and last season of Gilmore Girls (22 episodes in 2 days, my laptop went everywhere with me)
Celebrated Christmas with both families. (we are soooooo blessed by everyone. Jason and I are set for a while. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!)

And I definitely did not get to spend enough time with everyone. I wish that I could have been in more places than once and spend real quality time with all of the people that I love and cherish. Definitely not enough time.

It was good and very needed to be home and see my families, but it is very good to be back home here in the UP in my Marquette where hopefully I can spend some quality time with my husband before we have to start school again.

Oh and no I have no pictures to post. This crazy girl forgot her camera in Marquette. Whoops

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas
May your day be blessed as you spend it with family and friends.
May you also remember the true reason for Christmas.
Much love to all.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Mom I'll update this soon I promise! Sorry I've been so lazy! :)

I love you and I'm glad I'm home.

I'm much better in person than on my blog (most of the time)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thank you

Thank you for all those who prayed for Samara and her family.

Her mom, Nan Tilkens went to be with the Lord at 1am this morning.

Please keep praying for the family.

Thank you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Please Pray

Please pray for my friend Samara and her family.

Her mom is in the end stages of cancer and is currently in hospice care.

My heart is breaking as I can only imagine what Samara and her family members are going through.

If you could just lift them and her mom up in prayer, I know that she would be forever grateful.

Thank you.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007's cold here!!!

a quick note

I was just checking the blogs of my other friends and looking at comments that have been left by others...

and I am so amazed at the connections that have been made through my blog and other's blogs.

My friends are commenting on other friend's blogs that would not have known each other any other way.

I love it!

Pros and Cons

About a month ago I had to ask my parents if I could borrow some money from them.

It is so hard for me to ask for help, especially if involves asking for money.

So, usually when I do have to ask for help, it is a big deal for me, and I usually overreact.
(What??? Stacey Shrontz overreact?? That is absurd!!!)

This money was for the initial deposit to save my place for the Europe trip.

As soon as I asked my dad, he said, "Of course, just let me talk with your mom so we are on the same page."

I talk to my mom later that day and she hadn't talk to my dad yet, so I told her about it. She told me that they would have to think about it. They would have to weigh the pros and the cons of loaning me the money.

Some of you might know this about my mom, she has a funny sense of humor! Her comment about a pros and cons list went right past me because I knew she was kidding. (You're so funny Mom!)

Little did I know that for fun on their dinner date that night they actually made a pro/con list.
After a week or so had passed, I received this in the mail:

*She's Cute
*Further her education
*Make her happy
*When we go to Europe she will be able to tell us where to go
*The blog will have good pictures
*It is always good to have someone owe money
*She can look up Dutch relatives
*She already has a passport
*Traveling makes her happy.

*She'll be further away from her parents
*No interest on loan
*Make Jason lonesome
*The Red Fox Inn will not be able to operate
*She's already been to Amsterdam

The pros out weigh the cons so, yes we will loan you the moula!

Thanks Dad and Mom. The two of you are one in a million. I'm glad that I can be your dinner entertainment!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I left work at 3:30 on Saturday afternoon and it is 2:44am and I am still here.

But, I am in bed in one of the rooms (i work at a hotel).

The weather as I'm sure if any of you have been watching the weather channel has been a bit treacherous.

Normally if I was in Marquette in my warm cozy little apartment the weather wouldn't be an issue, I would just deal with it, like you do when you live in the UP!

Tonight was a different story. The snow kept coming and coming and coming to the point where driving on the curvy, hilly road 25 miles back to Marquette would have been a really dumb choice.

So here I sit. Soon I will hopefully be sleeping. And in the morning it's still going to be crappy out, but hopefully better than tonight.