Thursday, November 4, 2010

the bird mobile is up!

Last night while Jason was at darts I put up the crib for the sole purpose of being able to put up my mobile.

I LOVE my mobile. I got the idea from this website. They even have a free pattern for the birds.  I hand sewed and stuffed the birds and left the logistics of hanging the birds on stick up to my dad.

He didn't find just any ole sticks though. He went and cut sticks off of an over 200 year old beach tree that sits on our property.

And the crib, I LOVE the crib too. We don't really have room for a full size crib, so until we need to get a real crib, we are using the crib that my Grandpa TerBeek and his sister used. My dad fixed it up and is letting us borrow it.

Wow!  Is this kid going to be loved or what?


  1. I love this mobile!!!!!! love it:) and especially love the fact that you are using gpa tb's crib, how special!
    can't wait to meet your little darlin :)

  2. stacy joy how sweet is that? I just love it that you are the way you are and MADE a Mobile instead of having a store bought HAVE TO> thats way ugly and everyone else has the same thing. Does the bird mobile tweet???love, aunt pam

  3. Well, you know how I feel about the mobile with the birds and the beech tree branches and of course the crib. . . . all so good. Look at all the room you have! I love the pictures with the shadows. Good job.

  4. WOW , it really looks wnoderful . yuo are loved Dad
