Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Harper Sebastian

He came a week early.
This picture is from the day before and I'm pretty sure from the looks of things, he had no where else to go.

I started having contractions around 1pm on Monday, but kept waiting to make sure they were actual labor pains and not me just getting my hopes up!

I finally decided at 6pm or so that maybe I should call my doctor just to make sure. Well he wanted me to come in to the hospital to get checked out, and even then I thought for sure they would tell me to go home. I didn't even bring my bag. (I did bring a camera though...just in case.)

The picture below is of me getting monitored. Sure enough they were actual contractions and since I was getting a c-section, they started getting me prepped for surgery very quickly. Until that happened I was sure they were still going to send me home and tell me I still had to wait another week to see my baby boy.

Jason and I in the OR. 
 Seeing my sweet boy for the first time. I just had to peek at all that hair I kept hearing about over the blue curtain.

8 lbs 10 oz
 Proud Dad, calling the family.

Bea came with Dad the next day and met Harper. She was a little wary at first, but there is no doubt about it...she LOVES her little brother. She is always trying to get on top of him to give him kisses. He will be one tough boy. 

We are a very happy family of four. Harper is such a sweet boy and sleeps a lot as all newborns do. Slowly he is waking up more and focusing better. 

We would not have survived the last three weeks without the help from our church family, bringing meals and watching Bea. Help from my parents and Jason's parents coming out to Rhode Island, and to our friends who have become our family here. Someday I will think of a way to thank you all properly.


  1. So happy for you all, Stace! Welcome to the world, Harper (you've got the best parents and sister a boy could want)! It's great to hear that things are going so well there now... we should catch up soon. I'd love to see the babies (and you and J, of date?)!

  2. Congrats Stacey and Jason! Harper looks like a little sweetie! I love the picture of you at the top too!

  3. Thank you for sharing . . it was wonderful.
    He is growing as fast as your spinach!
