Sunday, September 17, 2006


we TRIED to go to church today.
there is a ministry on campus called His House and as far as i could tell they held sunday services on campus.
we got up and went to the room where it was supposed to be. but...there was no one there. but we tried. so we have done homework-watched football-homework-football-eat-internet.
i did fold some laundry. did some dishes. cleaned the toilet.
i know some one is really jealous of us right now.
here's to hoping you all had more exciting sunday's!


  1. Not much more exciting here. Watched the Lions lose, watched the Tigers lose. But, we did get to spend alittle time with the Bambino, so that made the day a winner. Take care, Dad S.

  2. We had an interesting weekend....You will have to check out my xanga....YIKES!
    Renee's wedding shower is on Thurs., and she is getting married in 2 weeks! Did I show you the dresses! HORRIBLE!
