Monday, January 1, 2007


i have to tell this story, it's a good one.
jason and i were on the way home on suday night and were about and hour and a half from home on M-77 going north and i was going about 73 mph. and if you have ever driven on a stretch of road with no other cars, it's hard to drive 55 or even 60 (73 is slow for me). Well, i saw a car drive by and hit it's brakes, i've been pulled over to know that i might as well pull over now. sure enough, it was a state cop and i was trying to find my licence and for the life of me it was not in my purse anywhere, i dug and dug and pulled stuff out and looked again and it was NO WHERE!!! i did have my old licence with my maiden name (from 2 years ago) and he took that and went back to his car. now here is why i know he was an angel, i have never heard of a state cop not giving a ticket and not even comenting on the fact that i gave him the wrong licence. he just told me to slow down and watch for deer and drunk drivers.
about 15 minutes later on M-28 i was cruizing along at 60 and there she was, a HUGE doe, right in front of my car. I was able to stop in time and just grazed the deer. there are no scratches at all on my car at all. If I hadn't been pulled over I would have been going 80 or so and wouldn't have been able to stop in time. God knows that it takes a little bit for me to listen (like cops)
the other thing that happenedl, is that jason and i got into a HUGE argument that stemmed from me not ever know exactly where my licence is. we needed to have that argument, it was just one of those thing that has to happen in order for growth to happen in our marriage and for us to understand each other.
God has a great sense of humor because after unpacking and putting a few things away i went through everything i thought my licence could be in and finally i tried my purse, i went through all of my pocket and then pulled out my planner on my lap fell my licence. So was in there the whole time.
not bad for a trip home. i just have to share...God will use anyone and anything to let us know he is still there and he knows how to get our attention, so keep an eye out!!!


  1. Thats a really great story Stace! I am glad you are safe. Love you.

  2. YEAH! I am so glad that you are ok, and the fact that you did not get a ticket and not killed by a deer! I AM SO THANKFUL! Definately had angels watching over you! I can't wait to see my special quilt! YEAH!

  3. Umm.. God often comes dressed in many different outfits, to you He came as the State Police! How great was that Stacey and Jason!
    love gram

  4. Stace: What an awesome story! I am so glad that you got pulled over and I am also so glad that you saw that deer! And you are right sometimes arguments are just what we need. I miss you and so wish we could go have coffee. Love you dear. Let's set up a phone date soon!

  5. Stace, that's quite a run of non-coincidences. I'm so glad that everything turned out so well for you! I hope that you find a good place for your license!

  6. kristin, for the sake of my marriage, i hope i can find a better place for my licence too! :)
    Samara, my dear, call me anytime it works for you.
