Sunday, February 18, 2007

dog sled race

The thing about volunteering is that it never is what you expected, but Jason and I are so glad we did. We arrived at 6pm and stayed until around 11. We only saw 5 dog teams in those 5 hours but there was something so satisfying just to sit outdoors next to a warm fire in the middle of winter. We both brought books to read and our ipods to listen to.
The sleds weren't at all what we expected, most of the dogs were very small and they moved a lot slower than expected. But, when they passed by there was a feeling of such weird satisfaction and stillness, just the sense that these mushers have been in the cold with these dogs for almost 72 hours and that they are so close to being finished with this long cold journey. I know it seems a little melodramatic but you had to be there. I think that these are the times that Jason and I realize just how great the U.P. is.


  1. Sitting by the fire in the snow and cold reading a book so sounds like the two of you! Thanks for the pictures of snow, dogs and pigtails. love mom tb

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I was in Birch run with my mother this weekend and did not get a chance to call you! SO YEAH!

  3. Happy Birthday, Stacey!! Enjoy, and stay warm.

  4. Looks like you guys had fun, but you look really cold Stacey. dds

  5. The funny thing is, that I wasn't cold at all. With all of my layers and the burn barrel, we were nice and toasty. Thanks for worrying though Denny. :)

  6. Okay you guys it looks like your burning you books in the fire barrel Great Pics . Love Dad TB
