Monday, February 5, 2007

Sooooo Cold!

I'm sure most of you are having the coldest weather ever. So are we, but still no snow. The worst part is that I have absolutely no heat in my car despite the fact that it over heats after 10 minutes of driving. Jason and I are going to bring it in on Wednesday to have it looked at. So hopefully I will have heat by this weekend. There is not much else going on up here. Just staying warm and studying our little fannies off. Oh the weight loss update......1.8 pounds. It's not a ton but I am still happy with it. And that means that I have lost over 6 pounds!! Whoo hoo!


  1. Hi Stac and Jason.. Hate to tell you that it was 78 and sunny here today.. sorry... look forward to seeing you.. luv gram

  2. Dear Stacey, I'm proud of 1.8 pounds you have lost this week. When you lose slowly you will keep it off , because you gained it over a long period of time so loosing slowly is healthy. Keep up the great work . Love Dad TB

  3. Way to go Stacey! Keep working at it and you'll make your goals! It's probably even harder when it's so cold out and winter...I tend to "bulk up" then!

  4. GO STACEY!!! I am so proud of you! Get that body in shape so it is all healthy to have a kid...whoops did I say that :) I hate the cold, I am ready for summer, 80, and swimming!

  5. good job, little lucky button.

  6. Good Job Stace! That sucks you don't have snow...thats the best part of the coldness! Oh well, 4 more weeks and we don't even need to worry about it!

  7. Check out my xanga! Amber is also bringing you pics when she comes to visit! Miss you!
