Thursday, March 22, 2007

season of change

It is officially spring and that means lots of change in the world. The snow melts, trees start to bud, flowers poke their delicate heads through the muck, birds start chirping, and important decisions are made.
Today I finalized a decision that I have been mulling over for a while. I have realized these last two semesters that life is too short and my sanity is too important to pursue a career that although will bring me financial stability and job security, in the end will it really be the right thing to do. Are all the perks of nursing really worth it if it's not something I really love to do even if I would be good at it?
I have come to the conclusion that no it's not worth it.
I have been mulling this over in my heart and my head for a while now and today the weight was lifted off of my heart and my shoulders.
Today I met with the Christine Flavin, she is going to be my new advisor and a professor of photography at the art and design school at Northern Michigan.
Today was the first in many steps of changing my major to Photography and I couldn't be happier! After meeting with my new advisor and looking over the classes I need to register for I looked at them and realized that they were ALL art classes and I was happy as a clam about it. This is a HUGE step for me, but something that I know I have to do in order to stake my claim on the happiness that everyone deserves.
I know that it might not be the most stable profession, but I do know that it is a direction that my heart has been begging and begging me take and finally I had the courage to step in the right direction.
I will admit that I'm a little scared, a little apprehensive and little worried that I'm not going to be creative enough. BUT I am sure that it will be a challenge and when it comes to challenges I thrive! Most of all though, I am excited to see what my options are and what my creative juices will come up with! Ahhh the possibilities!
I am going to be taking courses in Graphic Communications which will hopefully give me a lot more options when i finish school (which by the way i have no clue how long it will take to finish, i'll have to figure that out)
In the mean time this summer I am going to take a black and white photography class which will put me a little ahead of the game.
I am so excited and couldn't be happier. It's such a good feeling knowing that I will be doing something I love to do.
Today I became an Art and Design student! Wow is that scary or what!

-I almost forgot to mention this,(sorry jason) but Jason was offered at Teaching Assistant position next fall. This means he will teach his own himself, we will get a financial stipend to live off of AND the school pays for his tuition. We are both so excited for this! Both of our changes are answers to prayer and a confirmation that we are still on the right path and heading in the right direction (everyone needs that once in a while!)


  1. Stacey I couldn't be happier for you! It takes a strong woman to follow her heart like you do. I am proud of you. Besides that, you will make a fabulous photographer!
    Jason-congratulations!! That is so great for you!!
    Love you both,
    Kathryn P.

  2. Stacey, The fact that everything worked out so well tells me that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, and hooray for Jason! love gram

  3. Stacy,Follow your heart honey.Your photos are not shown to all of Palmer school for no reason....You surely have a gift.Yeah!!!!for you and for Jason.Love aunt pam

  4. I am trying to slow down, but I feel like I have so much to do! NOw that her room is semi done I feel a little better! But I just like a clean house, and Jacob is helping me a lot more now too! I am so excited about you switching to phototgraphy! You are so great at that! You go girl!

  5. Stacia & Jason,
    I put it on the TerBeek blog but I wanted to repeat that I'm happy & excited for you both.
    love mom tb

  6. I love you.

    I love that you follow your heart, passions and desires.

    I love that you listen. To yourself.

    I love that you are going to do what you love, rather than what makes sense.

    Isn't God good?

    He will always provide, and he knows the desires in our hearts. Every. Single. One.

  7. Stacey, I am glad that you are following your heart, you can never go wrong there. This is where your passion lies, and everything else will work out. love, Denny

  8. Stacey,
    I am so flippin happy for you. It is about time that you realized that you have a GREAT and WONDERFUL gift, and now you can show the world how awesome you are at it. YEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWW!!
    Now I will always come to you when I want professional pics done of Emily(SMILE)Anyways, Congrats to Jason too. Steve and I couldn't be more proud of you both. Have a great night. Love you both,

  9. Well , Stacey I could't be more proud of you and Jason, You both are following the paths you should be on.Keep following your heart and if you're moving God will direct you as you go! Love you Dad TB
